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Pass and Replace – Star Drill Set up: Five players spread out across floor (see diagram).  One basketball is needed.  Movement: Ball starts under the basket with player 1.  He…
Trevor Nared
October 29, 2021

Outlet Passing Setup: One line under the basket, second line in the corner.  Movement: Players will begin just a few feet away from each other as…
Trevor Nared
October 29, 2021

Full Court Passing Setup: Two lines about 10’ apart.  Players will defensive slide down the court while maintaining distance. Movement: As players slide they will pass the…
Trevor Nared
October 29, 2021

Passes from Shooting Pocket

Set up: Players will grab a partner and a ball and line up across from their partner with 10’-15’ of space between them. Movement: During…
Trevor Nared
October 29, 2021

Pass, Pass, Score Layups Setup: Players are split into two lines above the 3-point arch on the left (A) and right (B) side.  One side of the line…
Trevor Nared
October 29, 2021

Pivots to Pass

Setup: Players stand pair up and stand across from each other while facing each other.  One side of the line will have a ball.  Use…
Trevor Nared
October 29, 2021

2 Line Passing Setup: Players stand pair up and stand across from each other while facing each other. Movement: Players will begin just a few feet away…
Trevor Nared
October 29, 2021