Plan 1
Get to know each other, Introduce Juggling, Moving w/ the Ball
Plan 2
Look for correct dribbling from last practice, Juggling (Who has worked on this since last practice?), and Dribbling Moves
Plan 3
Look for moves from last practice, Juggling, Passing and Receiving
Plan 4
Look for proper passing and receiving, Juggling, Turning with the ball
Plan 5
Look for turns and cheer on, Juggling, Passing- with Open Hips, Shooting
Plan 6
Look for turns and cheer on, Juggling, Defending
Plan 7 - 10
Based off what your team needs to work on after each game. See Available Drills
Plan 1
Get to know each other, Introduce Juggling, Moving w/ the Ball
Plan 2
Play - Look for correct dribbling from last practice, Juggling- Who has worked on this since last practice, and Dribbling Moves
Plan 3
Play - Look for moves from last practice, Juggling, Passing and Receiving
Plan 4
Play - Look for proper passing and receiving, Juggling, Turning with the ball
Plan 5
Play - Look for turns and cheer on, Juggling, Passing- Open Hips
Plan 6
Play - Look for turns and cheer on, Juggling, Shooting
Plan 7 - 10
Based off what your team needs to work on after each game. See Available Drills.