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Zone Drops

Create two large circles about 8 yards in diameter. Circles should slightly overlap. Do so with either cones, t-shirts, or similar items. One player will…
Trevor Nared
July 30, 2022

Zone Crossing

Create two large circles about 8 yards in diameter. Circles should slightly overlap. Do so with either cones, t-shirts, or similar items. One defender will…
Trevor Nared
July 30, 2022


Set up cones indicating two lines that are 10 yards apart. Players will spread out on the first line facing away from the second line.…
Trevor Nared
July 30, 2022

Backpedal Break

Set up cones indicating two lines that are 10 yards apart. Players will spread out on the first line facing away from the second line.…
Trevor Nared
July 30, 2022