Coach's Corner
“Ask God to give me the right words so I can boldly explain God’s mysterious plan.” — Ephesians 6:19a
- Have you ever been nervous before a competition?
- What gives you the confidence to play your best?
No matter how much you study, practice, and train, sometimes you just don’t feel ready to go out and compete. Have you ever felt like that?
Fear and doubt can creep in and steal all the confidence you’ve been building up. Then, what happens when you play?
But when it’s time to play, you’ve got to get out there and trust that you’re prepared to do your best.
You’ve been hearing about all the things God gives you: salvation, freedom, prayer, the Bible, church, strength, boldness, and the right spiritual equipment (God’s armor).
He has called you to live like Jesus and tell others the Good News. Since you have been given all of these blessings, there are no more excuses. You’ve got this. It’s time to get in the game.
You are ready!
In Hebrews 13:20b-21, we learn that God:
“…Equip[s] you with all you need
for doing his will…he produce[s] in you,
through the power of Jesus Christ,
every good thing that is pleasing to him…”
When you are united with Christ, you have everything you need to follow God and do what He asks of you. There’s no need to be nervous or afraid. You can go every day with great confidence in knowing that Jesus is with you every step of the way. He is with you! Are you ready?
“Dear God, thank You for giving me everything I need to do what You have called me to do. Make me ready so I can share the Good News of salvation with everyone that needs to experience Your love. Amen.”