Let’s review! Leader go through each symbol so far and what it means:
The Heart – God Loves You
Divide – Sin Separates You
The Cross – Jesus Rescues You
And last – the Question Mark – Will you trust Jesus?
“If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved.” Romans 10:9-10
Would You Rather: in this game, ask players to choose between two things. For example, would you rather play only one song for a month or listen to a song only once and then never hear it again? Would you rather have hair everywhere or be bald? For a list of possible examples see: https://www.kidcoach.app/article/would-you-rather
Sometimes we choose between two good things and sometimes two things we don’t like. Today we are going to talk about a choice everyone has to make.
It’s time to start putting things together. So far we have learned that:
- God made us and loves us so much. He wants a friendship with us.
- We mess up and hurt our friendship with God and others because of sin (What is sin again?)
- Jesus took the punishment for sin on the cross so we can have an eternal friendship with God.
We have a lot of choices to make every day. God gives us a choice too. Will you trust Jesus? This choice involves admitting that you are sinful (do things wrong), accepting God’s forgiveness (offered through Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross), and turning away from your sins and turning towards God. The big choice is whether we believe Jesus did all that for us or not.
God already did His part. He has already done everything to show you how much He loves you. He created you. He pursues a relationship with you. He even offered His own Son to take your punishment so you can be in relationship with Him forever.
Choosing to follow God and Jesus is a big choice. We’ll talk more about that next week. If you have questions about any of these things, please ask me.
(pray and break the Huddle)