What is this next symbol? (younger players may have no idea what the symbol is; it is okay to let them guess or give a hint)
It is the divide sign – it is like when your parents cut up a pizza. The big circle is divided or separated from the other parts. The divide sign means sin separates us from God.
“For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.” -Romans 3:23
Follow the Leader or Monkey See, Monkey Do (copy the actions of a leader– no talking)
Q: How many times did you mess up in today’s game?
Q: How do you feel when you know you did something wrong?
The verse for this week says everyone has sinned. Sin is anytime we do things our own way instead of God’s way. For example, if Coach taught a certain way to do a skill but you insist on doing it wrong that would be silly. Or if your mom asks you to share your snack with your sibling but you eat the whole thing. Not only did you disobey your mom, but you were mean to your sibling.
Every time we know what we should do, and we don’t do it, or we do the wrong thing on purpose we are sinning. God cannot stand sin. The truth we need to understand is that sin separates us from God. We cannot feel God’s love when we do things the way we want.
Let’s review: What is the symbol? The divide sign What does it mean? Sin Separates Us
This sounds bad. Hold on though, good news is coming. God has a plan to bring us back to Him because He loves us so much.
(pray and break the Huddle)