Coach’s Corner
Warm Up
Hey Team! Can you believe we are in our last week of God’s game plan? I want to hear your favorite parts of our Team Huddle time. (Take a few answers from the athletes.)
Those are all great. I have enjoyed them as well. My favorite part about these past ten weeks has been… (Share your favorite part.)
Now, turn to the person next to you and share one thing that you learned from our time together. (Ask a few pairs to share what they learned.)
Each of us learned something different because God’s game plan for each one of our lives is specific to us. God has a unique plan for us, and it’s up to us to listen and learn how He wants us to live it out. Let’s review what we have learned!
Truth 1: You Were Made on Purpose for A Purpose
From the beginning, God had a plan for our lives. He made nothing about us by mistake. We discussed how our identity needs to be in God and not in things of this world. It’s so easy to make our identity about the things we are good at, like our sport, but when we have our identity in who Christ says we are, that can never be taken away from us.
Truth 2: You Can Trust God and His Word
Next, we discovered how we can grow to learn more about God. His Word, the Bible, is how we come to know more about who God is. We must trust that what the Bible says is truth and learn that trusting God with our lives gives over all our desires and wants in favor of what God wants for us. That can be hard, but we must remember that God’s plan is much better than ours.
Truth 3: God Loves You and Sent Jesus
Our last truth leaves us with a decision that needs to be made. We learned what the Gospel truly means – that God’s love is so strong that even after sin ruined our relationship with Him, God still wants us back and sent His Son Jesus to earth to be a sacrifice so that we can be reunited with God in Heaven. We have to choose whether we believe that Jesus came to save us and whether we will give our lives to God and trust Him. Only you can make that decision.
Action: Love God and Love Others
Lastly, all this knowledge is excellent, but if we don’t add action to what we know, it isn’t helping anyone. Now that we have seen how much God loves us, we are called to show God’s love back. We offer God’s love with our hearts, hands, and heads. Then, we are called to show the same love that God leads us to the people around us.
- What do you think God calls you to do differently after all ten weeks together?
“Lord, thank You so much for our past ten weeks together. You have spoken a special message in the hearts of each person here. Help us not to shy away from what You have called us to, but to be brave. Amen.”