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Week 10: Recap 


This season we learned the importance of four symbols and how they are much deeper than we originally thought. Let’s review one last time together! 

Leader: What is this? (show the heart) 

Players: Heart 

Leader: What does it mean? 

Players: GOD LOVES YOU – 

Yes! God made you and loves you! His love is boundless and unconditional. God is real, and He wants you to personally experience His love and discover His purpose of your life through a relationship with Him.  

Leader: What is this? (show the divide sign) 

Players: Divide 

Leader: What does it mean? 


That’s right! You cannot experience God’s love when you ignore Him or do things you know you shouldn’t. The Bible calls this sin. 

Leader: Who has sinned? 

Players: Everyone! 

 Sin damages your relationships with other people and with God. That means you are eternally separated from God and the life He planned for you.  

Leader: What is this? (show the cross) 

Players: Cross 

Leader: What does it mean? 


That’s good news! Sin does not stop God from loving you and He loves you so much He sent Jesus to take the punishment you deserve so you can be eternal friends with God.  

Leader: What is this? (show the question mark) 

Players: Question Mark 

Leader: What does it mean? 


Yes! God has already done everything to show you how much He loves you. All you have to do is choose. When you agree that you are sinful, accept God’s forgiveness, and turn away from your sins and turn towards God, you have a forever friend in God. You choose to trust Jesus when you believe in your heart and confess that Jesus is Lord and surrender your life to Him.  


Q: What is one thing you learned in Team Huddle time this season? 

Q: What is one way you will live differently because of what you learned? 

Remember, if you have not answered the question about trusting Jesus keep talking to God in prayer. He will help you. Find a trusted adult, parent, coach or teammate who loves Jesus and ask some questions. Everyone who loves Jesus would love to help.  

(pray and break the Huddle)