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Week 10: Wrap-Up

Coach's Corner


These past 10 weeks have been a journey! We have played together, prayed together and studied God’s Word together. Let me remind you of the journey we have been learning about God’s Greater Plan:   

Once Upon a Time… I found my identity in sports and how I performed.   

And Every Day…I felt the pressure to win was greater than what I could handle.   

And Until One Day… I realized my purpose is found in Christ.  

And Now… I play and compete for someone greater.  

Let’s break into four groups.  Each group takes a line and shout it out together, starting with group one.    

Now, in your groups, take a few minutes to answers these questions:  

  1. How has how you performed in a game changed how you feel about your self?   
  2. How does God feel about you?  
  3. Have you ever felt the pressure to win?  
  4. What does Jesus say your purpose for playing is?  
  5. How can you play and compete for Jesus  


As we have studied God’s Word it has become clear that our performance and our purpose is not about us, it’s about God!  When we focus on our relationship with Jesus, our plans and purposes will never be as great as the plans and purpose He has for us! Let’s look at these two verses:   

GREATER PERFORMANCE: “I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without me.” John 15:5   

Our new identity in Jesus Christ gives us a new way to perform!  

GREATER PURPOSE: “As you sent me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.” John 17:18  

Our purpose is to not play for ourselves but to play for  Someone greater!  

All these truths have been preparing us to do one thing: decrease so God can increase. Our theme verse reminds us of this!   

“He must increase, but I must decrease.” John 3:30   

We have learned a lot over the past few weeks! I hope you understand how much God and I care about you and how God is moving and working in your life every day.   


  1. What was your favorite part about Team Huddle times?  
  2. What is one thing God may be asking you to do?  

Let’s pray together.  

“God, thank You for each of these athletes. Thank you for bringing them to this team so they can know You as Lord and Savior. Help each of us to decrease our plans and desires so You can increase in our lives. Thank you that you are Greater! Amen. ”