Coach's Corner
Hey, team! I am so excited to start this new study with you, where we’ll talk all about God’s Greater Plan! But first, let’s start by praying.
“Father God, thank You for the time we get to learn more about your plan for our lives. We know that when we decrease, you show up in a mighty way to make us strong and make us more like You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
Okay! Since this is our first week together, I want us all to get to know each other better! First, you are going to find a partner and each answer the first question. Then you are going to find a new partner for the second question. Ready, set, find a partner!
- What is your favorite part of playing (add whatever sport this is)?
- What do you want to be when you grow up?
What was your favorite thing about playing today? (Let the kids answer.) All those are such good answers. I enjoyed them too! You know, we had fun today because, as your coach, I came up with a game plan to make sure we had a great time. I sat and thought about each one of you and how I could make this day extra fun, and how we could learn something new.
Do you know who else thinks about You and has a plan for you? (Take answers.) It’s God! He created each one of you and has a great plan for your life! Why does God have a plan for you? Because He loves you so much and wants to see you grow and learn all about why He created you!
For the next few weeks, we will learn more about God’s great Game Plan for your life and His love for YOU and you and you! (Point to the children.)
(Whisper) Okay, guys. Do you want to know something cool?
Do you want to know what’s inside God’s Great Plan? Here is a sneak peek:
- There is greater potential in my life than finding my identity in sports.
- Christ’s Promise of Salvation gives me a new identity.
- God loves you and sent Jesus to save you.
- We are called to love God and love others.
I’m excited to learn more about all four of these. Are you? Repeat them after me!
“Lord, thank you for this time we get to learn more about our potential in you. Help us to recognize that when we set our focus on your, everything in our lives change. We are no longer bound by our sport but transformed by our identity in You. Amen.”