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The FOUR Introduction

Hi everyone! I am so glad each one of you is on this team. Each week we get to take a little break and learn some important things about faith along with our sport.  

Let’s start with an activity. Everyone, form a circle. Each person is going to say their name and a sport or activity that they love. The thing you share must start with the same letter as your first name.  

Now, are there any volunteers who think they can go around the circle and remember each person’s name and sport or activity? 

(Coach: allow two or so people to do it. If no one volunteers, we encourage you to give it a try) 

There are a lot of things that we all love. Does anyone have four things that you love? Let’s shout them out together! I am sure you had a lot of different things to choose from. Let’s pray and then talk about what we are going to be exploring during Huddle times. 

“Father, thank You for each one of these athletes. Thank You for bringing this team together. Guide us through this season as we learn more about You and our sport. Help us to be focused during this time.  Be with us and speak to each one of us. In Your name we pray, amen.” 

This season we are going to focus on four things that are most important in our relationship with God.  They center around these symbols (show FOUR bracelet).  Each week we will learn a little more about each of them.  

What are each of the symbols? (Basic answers of what the shapes are). We will see over the next 9 weeks that they are much more than that.  These four symbols lead to the most important choice you will ever make. 

I am excited to take this journey with you.  Next week we will see that the heart is much more than just a Valentines symbol or how we show we love a text message. 

Sometimes things look really simple, but they are a little complicated. This is one of those times. In practice when things look simple, but coach is giving instructions we have to listen. The same idea applies to this Huddle. Be a great teammate by listening and not being a distraction during Huddle. 

(pray and break the Huddle)