Hey everyone! I am so glad we have a little time together to learn some important things (other than our sport)
First, let’s get to know each other. Let’s make a circle. Now, say your first name and four things you love. (Give time for each child to answer)
Those are great things to love. I love (leader share four things). Let’s pray; then I’ll tell you what we are going to be learning this season.
“Father, thank You for these athletes. Thank You for this team. Guide us through this season as we learn more about You. Help us to be focused during this time. In Your name we pray, amen.”
We are going to focus on four ideas that are super important in our relationship with God. They center around these symbols (show FOUR bracelet). What are each of the symbols? (Basic answers of what the shapes are). These four symbols lead to an important choice.
Sometimes things look simple, like dribbling between your legs or catching a ground ball, or these four shapes but they are a little complicated. How do we get better at skills that are a little complicated? (let a couple kids answer) Right, we get some coaching and keep practicing! That is what we are doing in our Huddle time.
I am excited to take this journey with you. Next week we will learn more about the heart symbol.
(pray and break the Huddle)