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The FOUR Coach’s Devo 4

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” – Romans 3:23 

What is something you have instructed your athletes to do a million times? Box out, choke up, hustle, pass; there seem to be skills that no matter how often they are drilled they are forgotten during competition. It’s frustrating as a coach to constantly be repeating yourself.  

Have you ever considered that God feels the same way about you? He told you to be slow to anger (James 1:19) and yet you yelled at the team in frustration.  He told you not to show favoritism (James 2:1) but you gave Johnny extra minutes even though he missed part of practice. And on and on it goes. We are all guilty of doing things we know we should not do. Romans 3:23 says all and it means all. Every single one of us has sinned.  

Sin has consequences – eternal ones. We need to carefully consider the state of our hearts and actions. Are we hurting our relationship with the Lord through our choices? What are we going to do about that? 

How does this reminder about sin affect you? 

Are you doing the things God wants you to be doing? Why or why not? 

Romans 6:23; Galatians 6:7-8 

“Lord, I do what I want. Forgive me for ignoring Your Word. Forgive me for not living and coaching the way You have instructed me to in Your Word. Help me to be better. In Your name, amen.”