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The CORE: Team Up with Others

Week 7 – Team Up with Others 

 “Now you are the body of Christ, and individual members of it.” – 1 Corinthians 12:27 

We are working on our spiritual core. So far we have worked on our prayer and Bible reading muscles.  Today we are going to learn how a team can help us strengthen our spiritual core. 

Choose two players to play singles tug of war.  Add 3 players to one side but leave the other side as a single.  Add another player to the side with 4.  Add a few to the single player side.  Make sure everyone gets to play on a side. 

What was it like when one person was tugging against five? 

We know the benefit of a team because we are a team. What are some ways we help each other in games? 

In our spiritual life we also need a team. When you join God’s Team, you have teammates (other’s who are on God’s Team) to support you and strengthen you. 

When you spend time with other believers you have teammates who will protect you, encourage you in hard times, and celebrate with you in good times.  Teammates on Team God tell each other about their day. You can boldly share what God is doing in your life, you can learn from each other, pray for each other, challenge each other and read God’s word together. 

Have the players partner up and have them talk with their partner for a minute or so about something they have learned in Huddle so far this season. 

What are some ways you can grow with other believers?  One way is to be involved in a church that teaches about the Bible and has activities for people your age.  Another is through activities like this team.  We grow together each week in Huddle!  

Additional Scripture: John 1:12-13; Ecclesiastes 4:9-12; Proverbs 27:17 

God made us to be together, in relationship with one another. Think carefully about who in your life is also a believer. How can you join with them to grow together in strengthening your spiritual core? 

Pray and break Huddle 

Lord, You made us to be on a team. Show me who in my life I can grow in my faith with. Help me be a good teammate that encourages and supports the team.  In Your name, amen.”