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The CORE: Know Your Role

Week 8 – Know Your Role 

“. . . in the same way we who are many are one body in Christ and individually members of one another.” – Romans 12:5 

Being a member of a team means each player has a role to fill.  On God’s Team, there are different roles too and when everyone uses their talents and trainings to fill that role, the whole team succeeds. 

Play charades – each actor acts out a different position related to sports: Quarterback, goalie, point guard, referee, coach, cheering parent, lineman, pitcher, outfielder 

What would happen if the quarterback decided to do the lineman’s job?  What happens if the coach decides to be the referee? 

You have a unique role on God’s Team.  No one else can do what God has created you for. He has gifted you with certain personality traits, gifts, and interests. Your specific role is important and needed for God’s Team to succeed. 

What is the most unique thing about you? 

Even though each person has a unique role each person on God’s Team should do two things: love each other and serve each other. 

Loving others on God’s Team encourages other believers. When God’s Team is full of genuine love everything we do becomes worship to our coach, God. Sometimes it is hard to love. Sometimes our feelings get hurt, someone says something they shouldn’t have or they do something they shouldn’t have.  Part of being on God’s Team is learning to forgive (because we all mess up) and trying again. 

Serving others on God’s Team helps the team grow stronger in faith. When we use the gifts God has given us we not only glorify God but we help God’s Team.  Maybe you have the gift of making friends or leadership or encouragement, whatever the gift is that God gave you make sure you use it to serve others. 

What are some ways you can serve other believers? 

Additional Scriptures: Ephesians 4:16; 1 Corinthians 12:4-7; Romans 12:4-8; 1 Corinthians 13:1-3; John 13:34-35 

As we build our spiritual core, remember you have a spot on God’s Team. No matter what your role love your teammates and serve them. 

Pray and break Huddle 

Lord, You have uniquely created each of us on this team.  Help us to love and serve one another and others in our lives. Amen.”