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The CORE Devo 3

“I say, then, walk by the Spirit and you will certainly not carry out the desire of the flesh.” – Galatians 5:16 

Performance matters in the world of coaching.  For many coaches their livelihood depends on wins and losses and how well the recruiting class performs. For volunteer coaches, the stakes are lower, but it doesn’t always feel that way.  The reaction of parents and athletes can falsely heighten the importance of a game or athlete’s playing time. The real truth is coaching is just a part of your life, not your whole life. 

When you trust Jesus with your life, God makes you new. You don’t have to hold on to the old sin, guilt, and the performance mentality of the past. You have a new identity in Christ. Your transformation can be described with three principles: 

  • God Makes You New – This transformation requires a mindset shift away from a typical performance mentality. As a believer in Jesus, sport is not a pedestal; it’s a platform. God has given you the ability to glorify Him. When you see sports as an opportunity to impact others, God will be glorified, and lives will be transformed! 
  • God Is With You – God is always with you. Through the Holy Spirit, God guides you. You know when the Holy Spirit is working when your emotions, actions, and words reflect on the outside the change that is happening on the inside. The Bible calls this the fruit of the spirit. 
  • God Leads You – As the Holy Spirit lives in you, He will lead you. He will lead you through Scripture, prayer, discipleship (sharing God’s love and message with others), and any circumstance that you encounter. Remember, you are not alone with God. He is always with you. 

As you walk with Jesus in your life, you will notice your life beginning to transform. Remember to trust and glorify Him in all you do. You have the opportunity to be a great influence as a coach. When you make an impact through Christ first, you are glorifying Him! 

  1. Have you ever asked God for direction in your life? Describe when. 
  1. How could the Holy Spirit impact the way you compete? 
  1. How can you make sports a platform for your faith and not a pedestal? 
  • Galatians 5:22-25 
  • John 16:13A 

“Father, thank You for never leaving me. Help me to cling to that truth when I encounter tough times. Help me to trust You and glorify You with my life. Amen.”