Week 5 – Communicate with God
“Therefore, you should pray like this ‘Our Father in heaven, your name be honored as holy. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.’” – Matthew 6:9-10
Last week we learned that we need to train our spiritual core so that we can know and love God more. This week we are going to learn more about how to talk to God.
Play a game of telephone – line the kids up and whisper something to the first person in line who turns and whispers it to the next person and so on down the line. At the end of the line, see what message was received.
What would happen if during practice and the game coach didn’t say anything, they just pointed or gestured? I agree, it would be really confusing and frustrating. Communication happens when two or more people share information. It is necessary to deepen a relationship with someone we love. Raise your hand if you communicate with your family? Friends? Teammates? Teachers? Coaches? If we are going to be on Team God we need to make time to talk to Him too.
Sometimes we get nervous when people talk about prayer. Why do you think that is?
Prayer is a conversation between you and God. You can talk to God about anything. It’s not even about what you say, it’s about sharing your heart/feelings/thoughts with God. You can pray anytime and anywhere because God is always listening.
What two things typically happen in a conversation? Yes, talking and listening! You need to take time to listen to God. Listening to God means you slow down, get quiet and focus on God’s voice – the Holy Spirit within you. Silence is hard, especially in today’s world. Keep practicing! It will get easier to hear the Holy Spirit’s leading in prayer, scripture, life circumstances and through other people.
We can pray about anything. We should give God thanks for what he has done in our lives, ask God for what we need, ask forgiveness when we sin and ask God to help us in our struggles. We shouldn’t just ask for things for ourselves though. We also need to ask God for His plan for our lives.
Additional Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; James 4:8; Matthew 6:9-13; Philippians 4:6-7
Prayer is not as intimidating as we thought. As we think about building our faith muscles, praying is one we can work on anytime and anywhere. I want you to try to find more time for prayer this week.
Pray and break Huddle
“Lord, thank You that we can talk to You and You listen. Give us ears to hear You and spirits to obey You. Thank You for guiding us. Amen.”