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Review of Chasing Glory and Revealed Glory 

Week 10

“Everyone who bears my name and is created for my glory. I have formed them; indeed, I have made them.” – Isaiah 43:7 

What an amazing season! We have come a long way as a team in our skills and in our knowledge about God. 

What is one thing you will remember about this season? 

What is one way you have grown in your skills this season? 

Let’s review our key Huddle ideas from this season. 

  1. Who created all things including you and me? (God) 
  1. Who do we look like? (God – created in His image) 
  1. Why did God create us? (for His glory) 
  1. What is our job then? (to give God glory) 
  1. Who did God send to reveal His glory? (Jesus) 
  1. Why else did He send Jesus? (so we can be reconciled to Him/have relationship) 
  1. How does a relationship with God change us? 

That is a lot! Changing from chasing glory for ourselves to giving glory to God is something we have to work on every single day.  We will mess it up, but we can always ask for forgiveness and try again the next day. 

It has been such a pleasure coaching and learning with you this season.  Let’s pray together. 

Lord, we are so grateful for this season and all that we have learned together.  Thank You that You rescue us from chasing our own glory and give us a way to receive Your glory. Guide us as we give the glory to You. In Your name, amen.” 

Hands in, whose glory? 

God’s glory!