Hey everyone! What happens if you put too much juice in a cup? It runs out of the cup, right? The same is true with us. When we have something exciting in us, it is like we’re filled up and we want to share it. When we have Jesus in us, we should want to share Him with everyone. Today we will start looking at how to be ready to share Him.
Duck Duck Goose
Who thinks they are fast? Today, we are going to test that with a game of duck, duck, goose! Everyone form a circle, take one step back and then sit down. The person that can tell me one of our key points from yesterday’s lesson will get to be first to go. Our tagger will walk and tap each head and say duck and then when they are ready to pick someone they will say goose and the goose will get up and see if they can catch the tagger before they sit in the goose’ seat. If the goose tags the tagger, then the tagger has to sit in the middle. If the tagger sits down before getting tagged the goose now becomes the tagger.
Play for about 3-5 mins.
Q: What made it hard to catch the person after they tagged you?
Wow, some of you really are fast. You guys did a great job!
BIBLE STORY: Peter and John show boldness—Acts 3:1-10 (Leader read)
Q: Can someone show me what “ready position” is for your sport?
It’s called the “ready position” because when your body is in it, it’s a lot easier to be ready to go when the competition starts than it would be if you were sitting like we are now.
In our story, Peter and John were going to the Temple and met a man who couldn’t walk. He asked the guys for money, but they gave him something else. Peter, in the name of Jesus, healed the man! He started walking and leaping and praising God. And all who saw him were amazed.
Because Peter and John followed Jesus, that made them brave enough to show the power of Jesus. That bravery is called boldness. When you are bold, you have the bravery to do what is right or to say what is right.
“In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” —Matthew 5:16
This verse reminds us that if we follow Jesus, then we don’t have to be afraid to do what is right or do what needs to be done. In fact, being bold will show God to those around us. Doesn’t that sound cool?
This week, pray to be bold. Ask God for the chance to show others what God means to you. That could make someone else start thinking about Him too.
Pray and break the huddle