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God’s Glory Revealed

Week 5

Let’s review. Who is supposed to get all the glory?  Who sometimes takes the glory instead? 

Today we will begin to learn that God’s glory is revealed to us through Jesus. 

“The word became flesh and dwelt among us. We observed his glory, the glory as the one and only son from the father, full of grace and truth.” – John 1:14 

10 Questions: Play one round of 10 questions. Pick an object and let the kids ask ten questions in pursuit of revealing the object you picked. 

As you asked more questions, you got closer to revealing the object I chose.  God wanted to reveal His glory to us by sending His Son, Jesus, so as we pursued Jesus we discovered more about God’s glory. 

What is God’s glory? (it is how we describe God and what He does in our lives.) 

We know now that God wants us to give Him the glory not ourselves.  

  • What does it look like to give God glory at practice? (to do your best, be a good teammate) 
  • What does it look like to give God glory in competition? (respect officials, be humble – no showboating) 

God doesn’t keep glory to Himself either. He decided to show us His glory through Jesus, His son. 

In our memory verse it says “the Word became flesh” what do you think “the Word” is? (the Bible). The Bible is the truth about who God is and it is where we learn and grow closer to Him.  

What could it mean then that “the Word became flesh”? Who became flesh? (referring to Jesus). 

We need to know that Jesus is God’s glory on earth. We learn how to give God glory by seeing what Jesus did. Hebrews 1: 3 says, “The son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact expression of his nature, sustaining all things by his powerful word.” Modeling our lives after the words and ways of Jesus will help us as we seek to give glory to God. 

How can we learn to give God glory? (see what Jesus did, pray, give Him credit) 

This week let’s try to do one of those as we seek to glorify God. 

Let’s Pray. 

“Lord, thank You that You do not hide Your glory from us but You shared it through Jesus. Remind us to keep giving You the glory. In Jesus’ name, amen.” 

Hands in, whose glory? 

God’s glory!