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God’s Glory Reconciles 

Week 9

We are getting to the end of our season.  Let’s review our key ideas.  Who deserves all the glory?  Why? (He created us, He sent His son, He’s God) Who sometimes tries to take the glory?  

“For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile everything to himself, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.” – Colossians 1:19-20 

Who is the verse talking about when it says “dwell in him”? (Jesus) 

Who is everything reconciled to? (God) 

What would you do if a teammate took your phone? 

How would it change your relationship with that teammate? 

What if they said they were sorry, how would that affect how you thought about or treated that teammate? 

We all do things we should say sorry for.  What do you expect will happen when you say you are sorry for something? 

When we surrender our will for God’s will we are reconciled with God.  Before, when we were doing things our way, God still loved us but we are separated because of our sin. After we accept Jesus’ gift of reconciliation offered on the cross, we not only have access to God but we will enjoy an eternal relationship with Him in heaven. 

Think back to the beginning.  We learned that God created everything – including you and me.  Adam and Eve had a close relationship with God in the Garden of Eden but when they disobeyed and ate the fruit they were not supposed to that changed things.  But God always wanted to have a relationship with us. Our verse for this week shows that when it says, “… by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.” God had a plan! 

When Jesus made peace for us, he reconciled us to God. How could being reconciled to God through a relationship with Jesus change your life? (nicer, kinder, more peace, less worry, someone to count on) 

God’s plan all along was for us to experience the joy of His presence. Thanks to Jesus’ sacrifice, we don’t have to carry the weight of chasing our own glory. Instead, we can give God our best and give Him the glory no matter what happens. 

Let’s pray. 

Lord, thank You that You have always had a plan; that You want a relationship with us and sent us Jesus so that we can be with You forever. We want to give You the glory you deserve. In Jesus’ name, amen.” 

Hands in, whose glory? 

God’s glory!