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God’s Glory Received 

Week 8

Who is supposed to get the glory?  Who sometimes takes the glory?  Who did God send to remind us of His glory? 

“For God loved the world in this way; He gave his one and only son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16 

Jesus also came so we can have a close relationship with God. The past two weeks we learned all about that. 

True/False: Designate a side for those who think it is true and one side for those who think it is false. Athletes will move to whichever side they think after you read the law. (You can also just have them raise their hand if they think it is true) 


You cannot use silly string in Southington, Connecticut unless it’s in the privacy of your home. TRUE 

In Illinois, you cannot fall asleep in a cheese shop. TRUE 

In Kansas, you cannot swim in a public fountain unless you are wearing a swimming suit. FALSE 

If you disturb a church service in Missouri, you can be arrested. TRUE 

In some counties in New Hampshire, you can have a picnic in a cemetery. FALSE 

In New York, you cannot take a selfie with a tiger. TRUE 

In Oklahoma, it’s against the law to make glue from a dead skunk. TRUE 

In Tennessee, it’s against the law to use someone else’s Netflix account. TRUE 

In Vermont, it’s against the law to put up a clothesline. FALSE 

In Texas, it is against the law to sell your eyeball. TRUE 

These are some strange laws. I’m sure they were created to keep order and help people. God did not create a law that we have to have a relationship with Him but He does give us a choice. 

God didn’t send Jesus to earth just to show off His glory but to provide us a way to live with God and His glory forever.  

Think back on our past two weeks of lessons. How might we live with God forever? 

When we understand and believe that Jesus came to earth, lived a perfect life and died so that our sins could be forgiven, we are well on our way to receiving God’s gift of salvation and His glory. 

All it takes to receive this gift is to call on His name, believe He died for your sins, receive his forgiveness, turn away from your sins and commit yourself to trusting God and obeying His word. 

Romans 5:1-2 says, “Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. We have also obtained access through him by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we boast in the hope of the glory of God.” By receiving God’s glory, Jesus, into our hearts, Romans tells us we get access to God.  What a magnificent gift. 

If you have made the decision about making Jesus your Lord and trusting in His salvation, please talk to us today. We want to celebrate that decision with you. 

Let’s pray! 

Lord, when we consider that You sacrificed Your own son so we can have a relationship with You, we are so grateful. As we make this decision and begin to walk in it, guide us closer to You. Remind us that You alone deserve the glory. In Your name, amen.” 

Hands in, whose glory? 

God’s glory!