Week 1
Welcome, everyone! I am so excited that each one of you is on the team. Each week we will take part of practice for Huddle time. During this time we will learn about how to grow in our faith and more about God.
Let’s start with a game to get to know each other a little better.
Rock, Paper, Scissors – Hype:
Pair up, introduce yourself to your opponent, play Rock, Paper, Scissors (“rock, paper, scissors shoot, 1-2-3 shoot”). The loser now follows the winner to their next battle to be their hype man. Introduce yourself to your opponent and play again. The loser and any hype people follow the winner – cheering and hyping for their player. This cycle continues until there is a champion.
Wow! You all are pretty good hype men! Let’s pray and then we will talk about what we are going to be doing in Huddle time.
“Lord, we are so grateful to be on this team together. I pray You always give us a heart to cheer for one another. Be with us this season as we learn more about You and how to live our lives in a way that gives You glory. Be with us as we practice and learn more about our sport. Thank You for this time. In Jesus’ name, amen.”
Can any of you tell me what glory is? (take moment to let a few athletes answer)
It is a hard word to try to define. Glory is solely weight – a singular weight – because everything influences its surroundings and draws attention to the thing that is most magnificent. Chris Paul is popular until Steph Curry walks in the room. Steph Curry draws the most attention, he is the most magnificent so, he gets the glory. (feel free to substitute two appropriate players for your sport)
We are going to learn that glory really belongs to God. Giving God the glory He deserves means we honor Him and emphasize His character instead of ours.
I am excited to learn about these things with you and for a really fun season of competition.
Each week we will look more closely at how we can move from taking glory for ourselves and giving it back to God.
Let’s pray.
“Lord, we are excited to learn about glory and how to give You all the glory. Help us to learn and keep us safe as we practice. In Your name, amen.”
We’ll break huddle with our hands in. I’ll say, “Whose glory?”
And you will answer with, “God’s glory!”
Whose glory?
God’s glory!