Coach's Corner
“Truly I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do. And he will do even greater works than these, because I am going to the Father.” — John 14:12
Every one of you has some sort of athletic dream—something you would love to accomplish as an individual or with your team.
- What is your biggest athletic accomplishment so far?
- What would you do if you had no limitations on your athletic ability?
Being an athlete has some incredible benefits. It’s amazing what you can accomplish through your gifts and talents. But with God’s greater purpose for your life, you can do greater things than you could ever imagine!
Many experts and fans consider Michael Jordan to be the greatest basketball player of all time. Ironically, Jordan didn’t make the varsity team as a sophomore and was so disappointed that he went home and cried.
While many young athletes might have given up hope, Jordan knew he had something special inside of him. He worked harder than anyone else that next year and not only made the varsity team as a junior, but he went on to become an NCAA All-American, won an NCAA title and, of course, won seven NBA championship rings.
Like Jordan, there’s something to be said about not limiting what God wants to do through you. When you embrace His purpose, you will experience all of the greater things He has planned for your life!
- How often do you put limitations on what you can do as an athlete?
- In what ways might you be limiting what God wants to do in your life?
Jesus did some amazing things during His time on Earth. He took 12 disciples and showed them how to live. He overcame sin on the cross and defeated death in the tomb. He empowered those disciples and other close followers to do greater things than they could imagine through the Holy Spirit. Jesus knew that there was so much more a mobilized, empowered group of His followers could do.
So, how will you do greater things? You will do greater things through your obedience and faithfulness to God, through instruction from His Word, and through the empowerment of His Holy Spirit, which you receive when you accept Jesus into your heart:
“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever. He is the Spirit of truth. The world is unable to receive him because it doesn’t see him or know him. But you do know him, because he remains with you and will be in you.” — John14:16–17
- What are some greater things you would like to do for God?
- What do you need to do today that will help you begin doing those greater things for Him?
Understanding your greater purpose will launch you into a new mission that will exceed your wildest expectations. It’s not an easy thing God has asked you to do, but He will give you everything you need to do it. There’s nothing better way to spend your time, talent and treasure than to share God’s life changing and life-saving love with others. The greater things you do will have an impact today and last for eternity.
Ask the team if anyone would be willing to close the Huddle in prayer.