Week 3
We started our glory journey last week. Who can tell me who created you? (God did) That’s right, God created you in His own image. That is pretty amazing!
This week we will explore more about why He created us.
“Everyone who bears my name and is created for my glory, I have formed them; indeed I have made them.” – Isaiah 43:7
Did any of you hear an answer to why God created us in this verse? (for His glory)
Play “I Did It”:
Before practice ask athletes to share two of their greatest achievements. Coach, write those achievements on note cards and at practice distribute them randomly once you begin this activity. Then proceed to call on a few kids to read the achievements on the paper they received out loud. Act like you are really proud of them for what they accomplished. The kids should act confused or protest from the real owner of the paper. Continue to call on kids and praise them for the achievements that another kid in the group did.
How did it make you feel to have someone else take credit for your accomplishment?
Who likes to be recognized when they do something amazing? Why do we like it so much?
We all like to feel the spotlight but God reminds us in our verse for this week that when God created us He did it as a way to spotlight His greatness, His creativity, His power and His perfection. Basically, God created you to reflect the essence of His glorious character and being. Our purpose is so simple and so hard at the same time – to give God glory.
We learned in our verse last week that God created us. He made us with the skills and talents we have. This week we see that we were created to give glory to God. When we do that, we remind ourselves and everyone around us that all goodness comes from God.
What are some things you think of when you think of who God is (this is God’s glory)? (love, peace, patience, mercy, justice, provision)
These are all really good things. Shouldn’t we give God credit for them?
Think back to the warm-up game. It hurt a little bit when someone else took credit for your accomplishment. God feels the same way when we take the glory for ourselves instead of giving it to the One who created us and gave us our skills and talents.
Let’s pray.
“Lord, we sometimes like to take the credit from You. We seek glory and praise when it should all go to You. Forgive us for doing that. Thank you for creating us and giving us amazing skills and talents. In Jesus’ name, amen.”
Hands in – “Whose glory?”
“God’s glory!”