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Coach Devo 2

Week 2

“So God created man in his own image; he created him in the image of God; he created them male and female.” – Genesis 1:27 

“You made him little less than God and crowned him with glory and honor.” – Psalm 8:5 

“. . . little less than God” let that sink in for a moment. God made you just a little less than Himself, “in His own image”, with the ability to reflect His glory to the rest of the world. This is not an easy concept to remember. The daily grind of work, family and coaching wears me out. I hardly feel a “little less than God.” When the league administrator sends another email with schedule changes to communicate, and our gym time is reduced I don’t feel much like I have glory or honor. 

But that is exactly what the Psalmist wrote and Genesis confirms: You are the image of God. This has huge implications for us as coaches and competitors.  In practice, in games or in conversations with parents, God has created us to image Him: to reflect His nature and character in those spaces. The beauty and wholeness this brings draws others into an awareness and appreciation of God’s goodness. When we accomplish this reflection of His nature, we glorify God. 

  1. What will interactions with players and parents look like if you remember that you are reflecting God in those moments? 
  1. What would it mean to view your coaching as a means to glorify God? 

Isaiah 43:7; Psalm 19:1 

“Lord, remind me that I am made in Your image. Grow my heart closer to You so that I act and think in a way that pleases You and gives the glory back to You. Help me to coach in a way that pleases You and glorifies You. In Jesus’ name, amen.”