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Chasing my Glory 

Week 4

Let’s review. Who created you?  Why did were you created? 

“Everyone who bears my name and is created for my glory. I have formed them; indeed I have made them.” – Isaiah 43:7 

Partner Up: Everyone partner up. Now share with your partner what your biggest dream is for your life. Hold on to what you said because we will talk about them at the end of Huddle. 

Can anyone think of something that would be foolish/a stupid thing to do? (choose a couple volunteers.  Foolish is lacking good sense or judgement) 

What makes someone foolish? (do silly things, do dangerous things, don’t think before they act) 

That doesn’t sound like a nice thing to call someone but that is what God calls those who glorify anything but him. 

“Claiming to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man, four-footed animals, and reptiles.” – Romans 1:22-23 

What are the people in this verse glorifying instead of God? (man, animals, reptiles) 

Do you think people today do the same thing – glorify things other than God? (yes!) 

People chase their own glory when they are doing everything with the purpose of having all the attention on them. They have goals and dreams that benefit them. For example, having a big house all to yourself, making a million dollars so you can buy all the candy in the store or winning a contest so you have a big trophy. 

Having goals and dreams isn’t selfish or wrong, they can help us get better in lots of areas. They are selfish if the result of the goal or dream only benefits you. God wants us to use our talents and skills to honor Him and to show others God’s goodness and love. 

Get back with your partner from the beginning. Check in and make sure your big dream or goal will glorify God not just you. If it doesn’t help each other change it so God gets the glory. 

Chasing glory for yourself is foolish. Instead think about how you can chase a dream that glorifies God. 

Let’s pray. 

“Lord, thank you for the dreams and goals You have given us. Help us make sure we are glorifying You as we pursue them. We don’t want to be foolish so open our eyes to the places we need to give You the glory instead of something else. In Jesus’ name, amen.” 

Hands in, Whose glory? 

God’s glory!