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Defending Outnumbered


  • Area 50x40yds set-out in three areas with goals at each end, as illustrated.
  • 14 players (incl. 2GKs), with Defenders initially having a 3v2 advantage in own half.
  • Practice starts with: GK rolls ball-out to Attacking team.
  • Play has to build through mid area, with one A able to enter to make 3v1.
  • Play moves into D’s half with 2A’s able to join-in & make 4v3 advantage.
  • D’s have to prevent A’s from scoring whilst outnumbered.
  • If D’s gain possession: they look to quickly counter-attack opponents.
  • Roles of players changes when play is reversed.


  • Allocation of marking & covering roles when having defensive advantage.
  • Early decisions as to who confronts the player in possession when ball enters defending third & roles of other D’s.
  • Pressing ball & deflecting attacking play away from central goal scoring areas when outnumbered.
  • Constant changes of role & responsibility.
  • Maintaining safe defensive structure when counter-attack is initiated.
  • Simple progression for this practice is:
  • D from middle zone can recover to the defending zone, to make 4v4.

Key Coaching Points:

  • D’s organize strategy with numerical advantage of 3v2.
  • Quick re-organization required to deal with numerical disadvantage of 3v4.
  • On gaining possession: quick adjustments necessary to initiate counter-attack.
  • U12 – The players should be able to complete the Learning outcomes in 4v4 functional practices.
  • U13 – The players should be able to complete the Learning outcomes during under loaded functional practices
  • U14 – The players should be able to complete the Learning outcomes during under loaded functional practice and SSG
  • U15/16 – The players should be able to complete the Learning outcomes during under loaded functional practices and 11 v 11 games.