Set Up:
Players will split up as even as possible forming lines at all 4 bases.
Coaches will stand the side and evaluate and blow a whistle/give command to start each group.
One whistle/command will simultaneously start action at all bases.
Players starting at home plate will run on the whistle/command to 1st base at full speed as they aim to make contact on the front portion of the bag a continue through bag. Once over the bag players should chop their feet and look in toward the next bag prior to getting in the 1st base line.
Players starting at 1st base will start on the bag in the sprinters stance and on the whistle/command will run towards second base then widen out just prior to getting to the bag so that they can touch the inside of the bag and continue on to 3rd base where they will chop their feet in order to stop on the base prior to getting in the 3rd base line.
Players starting at 2nd base will start on the bag in the sprinters stance and on the whistle/command will get a large 3 step lead of the bag and will look in to home plate, then will run towards 3rd base and widen out just prior to reaching the bag so that they can touch the inside corner of the bag prior to running through home plate. (Then get in the line at home.)
Players starting on 3rd base will start on the bag in the sprinters stance and on the whistle/command will take a large 3 step lead off of the bag, return to the bag tagging up and then run through home plate. (Then jog around the outside of the bases to get in line at 2nd base.)
Key Focus Points:
Ensure players run the bags full speed and pay attention to coaches on the bases.