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Coach Devo 4

Week 4

“The word became flesh and dwelt among us. We observed his glory, the glory as the one and only son from the father, full of grace and truth.” – John 1:14 

Before I became a serious follower of Jesus, I was an attention seeker.  I had an insatiable drive to be recognized and therefore validated as worthy. Awards, newspaper mentions, All-Star and All-American teams were the motivation behind most everything I did. Sadly, it was never enough.  There was never enough glory to make me feel worthy or important enough. 

It wasn’t until I began to walk with Jesus that the drive to be recognized shifted. Jesus’ purpose on earth was to be the revelation of God’s glory.  When we see Jesus, we see God; the God who has not left us to our own pursuits. When we put our faith in Jesus’ death and resurrection as the payment for our sin, we are able to live life in light of the hope of God’s glory; glory that God can reveal in and through us if we let Him.   

When we are in relationship with Jesus, we can move from chasing glory to experiencing God’s glory and even more to reflecting His glory to the athletes and other coaches we encounter. 

  1. How have you seen selfishness and ungodly ambition reveal itself in youth sports?  What do you think can be done about these things on an individual coach level? 
  1. Do you have a relationship with Jesus?  How has it shifted your perspective on competition and coaching? 

John 1:14-17; Romans 5:1-2; Hebrews 1:3 

“Lord, nothing can change without Jesus. Thank You for sending Him to be the full and final revelation of You and Your glory. Turn me from idols and help me trust in Jesus fully and completely.  Guide me as I share these truths with my team. In Jesus’ name, amen.”