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The CORE Devo 7

“Now you are the body of Christ, and individual members of it.” – 1 Corinthians 12:27 

As competitors, we depend on the support of others to reach our goals. Imagine a quarterback trying to pass the ball without the protection of the offensive line or a pitcher trying to throw strikes without the direction of a catcher. A coach would never reach their goals without a team to coach in the first place. 

It’s the same for Christians. God designed people to be together. Here’s what to remember about being a part of God’s Team: 

  • You Are Part of God’s Team – As a new believer, you don’t have to go on this faith journey alone. When you join God’s team, you immediately have teammates to surround you. You are united with all other believers. Together you make up the Church, the body of Christ of which Christ is the head. You are on God’s team, you have teammates, and Christ is the head coach! 
  • Teammates Support You – Life is challenging, but God has given you teammates to support you in the journey. You have strength in numbers and power in a supportive team! These teammates will have your back, uplift you in hard times, and celebrate with you in good times. 
  • Teammates Strengthen You – Teammates not only support you, but they also strengthen you. You need a CORE team to go with you through the challenges of life. These CORE teammates will share what God is doing in their lives, learn from each other, pray for each other, and challenge each other to grow in their faith. 

When you take time to grow in your individual relationship with Jesus Christ, you become closer to Him. When you take time to grow in your relationship with other Christians, everyone benefits. We are better together! We are created for relationship. Take time to grow in your relationship with each other as well as with God. 

  1. How can the support of a CORE team strengthen you during difficult times? 
  1. Identify two to five people who can be your CORE team and learn and talk about your life with Jesus together. 
  • Matthew 28:18-20 
  • 2 Timothy 3:14-17 

“Father, You are my Head Coach, and I respect Your authority. Help me to find teammates who will support and strengthen me and I them. Help us to glorify Your name together. Amen.”