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The FOUR Coach’s Devo 6

“For Christ also suffered for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring you to God. He was put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit.” –1 Peter 3:18  

Sacrifice is a given in the world of coaching. We sacrifice time with family and our hobbies. We may sacrifice sleep or a full head of hair in the quest for the perfect game plan. We sacrifice because we love the sport we coach. We love our athletes, and we want the best for them and the team. 

Sacrifices were a large part of the Old Testament life. Israelites offered sacrifices to God to keep their relationship in good standing. But those sacrifices had to be repeated over and over.  Much like our coaching sacrifices. To keep the team going, we have to keep giving our time, pouring out game plans and encouragement. Over and over, season after season, we sacrifice. 

But then, there was Jesus. Sent by God to be the one and final sacrifice.  It is mind boggling to think of all He gave up so that you and I can have an eternal relationship with God. Jesus stepped into human form as a baby and lived perfectly, just as God asked Him to.  No sacrifice will ever compare to Jesus’ sacrifice for us.  He loves us – more than we love anything and He wants the best for us – even more than we want for our team or our own lives. 

What things do you sacrifice each season for your team? 

What do you think about the truth that God loves you so much, even though you are a sinner, that He sacrificed His son so you can have an eternal relationship with Him? 

1 Corinthians 15: 3-8; Romans 5:8 

“Lord, I cannot fathom the enormity of Your sacrifice. Thank You for sending Jesus for me. Thank You for the gift of salvation offered through His sacrifice. Thank You for loving me. In Jesus’ name, amen.”