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Week 7: Jesus Rescues You pt 2  

What symbol did we learn last week? 

Last week we learned that God loved us so much He sent Jesus to be a sacrifice for our sins. Jesus could be the last sacrifice ever because He lived a perfect life. 

“For Christ also suffered for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring you to God. He was put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit.” 1 Peter 3:18  

Q: What would be your perfect day? Act it out for us. 

(Leader: have a few kids share/other guess. If you have time, share your idea of a perfect day.) 

Q: What is the hardest skill you have had to learn in this sport?  

(Leader: get a few answers and ask the whole team if they think that skill is hard too -have them raise their hand.) 

There were quite a few of you who raised your hand. I am guessing it took some time to learn that skill. Imagine being able to do the hardest skill (feel free to add in a hard skill relevant to the sport) perfectly the first time, every time. That is what we have in Jesus.  In order for all of us to be reconciled to God without having to sacrifice animals and grain all the time there had to be a perfect sacrifice.  Jesus did that.  He lived a perfect life on earth. Hebrews 4:15 explains that Jesus knows what it is like to be human and feel human things and be tempted to do human things, but He got through all of that without ever making the wrong choice or disobeying. So, Jesus died on the cross for you and me to pay the wages of our sins, and He rose to life again so that we can have a relationship with God forever. Through His Son, Jesus, you have been saved from your sins. 

Through faith in Jesus – believing He died on the cross for our sins, you can experience God’s love daily, discover God’s plans for your life and have eternal life after death.   

We are all going to mess up, but Jesus has your back and will save you from trouble and harm. When you slip up, don’t lose hope instead turn from your wrong choice to Jesus. It’s your job to trust in Him and allow Him to guide your life.  


(Pray and Break Huddle)