What symbol are we on? Divide sign
What does it mean? Sin Separates Us
Last week we learned that when we choose to do the wrong thing it separates us from God. That hurts God and it hurts us too.
“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” – Romans 6:23
Simon Says
Q: What is the goal in Simon Says?
Right, to listen and do what the leader says.
Q: What happens when you don’t listen?
Right, you are out. The same idea applies to our relationship with God. When we don’t listen to God, when we sin, our relationship with Him is broken.
Q: What would happen if you never listened to coach?
(Leader: take a couple examples and add your own from the coach’s viewpoint.)
So, what you are saying is it would not be good! We need Coach and we need our teammates to make the team the best it can be. Well, sin damages your relationships with other people and with God. When you talk behind your teammate’s back or lie to Coach about why you aren’t at practice that hurts your relationship with them. Sin keeps us from experiencing the fulfilling life that God intends for us. The result: you are eternally separated from God and the life He planned for you.
The verse for this week uses the word wages. Wages is a term that means payment. When you have a job you earn wages (money for your work). Like a pro athlete who signs a big contract, they earn that money.
Q: What pro athlete makes the most money for what they do?
When you sin you earn death – eternal separation from God.
In most situations, when you act out and sin, everything is negatively impacted. When we ignore this sin and turn away from it, our walk with God becomes halted.
The bad news: we all sin because we’re imperfect humans and that means we have earned death.
The good news: we can be forgiven through God’s unwavering grace and love. More on that next week!
(pray and break the Huddle)