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Coach’s Devotion 10

“And may the Lord cause you to increase and overflow with love for one another and for everyone, just as we do for you.” – 1 Thessalonians 3:12

One of the toughest, yet biggest opportunities for ministry as a coach is when your player gets injured. It’s easy to minister to athletes when they are healthy and competing in the sport they love. Being present when they face injury is vital to their self-esteem and value to the program. The best way to show your love is praying over them. 

Regularly asking your athletes how you can be praying for them allows them to see you as more than just their coach. You allow them to see a bigger part of your life – your faith. It took me 5 years into coaching to realize the importance of praying for my athletes. I was always intentional on letting them know I value them as people, but I never took a moment to pray for them personally. I don’t know if my prayers for them impacted them. I hope so. However, I noticed it caused my love towards them to grow into a deeper grace-filled love. I started to see them from God’s perspective: they are His creations who need to know Jesus. 

Coaches spend a lot of time with their athletes, and as Christian coaches it’s our beautiful calling to be a representative of Jesus for them. I encourage you to take that step of increasing your love for your athletes by praying for them and with them.

  1. What are some ways you can be a better representative of Jesus to your staff/athletes?
  2. Do you currently pray for the people in your program?

Ephesians 6:18; Romans 12:10-12

God, please help me represent Christ well to my athletes and coaches. Let me see them how You see them. Show me who needs prayers and give me the courage to boldly share Your love today and every day. I offer myself to be a vessel for Your grace and love. Here I am, Lord. Send me. Amen.