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Week 5: Everyone Through Christ

Coach's Corner


Repeat this verse after me, “[God] has created us anew in Christ Jesus.” — Ephesians 2:10b (Coach, repeat this three times).

Now, pair up with a teammate and take turns saying Ephesians 2:10b three times each. Then, see if you can say the verse from memory.


Have you ever made a mistake in a game? When you make a slip-up in a game, you might be afraid that people will never forget about it. But all you want is a fresh start. Have you ever felt this?

That’s probably the same way you feel when you make mistakes in life.

But here’s the exciting part! Once you are saved and have asked Jesus to forgive you of your sins, you don’t have to worry about the past anymore. You can have a FRESH start. In fact, Jesus doesn’t just give you a new start. He makes you a brand new person!

Through Christ, you are new!

The Bible says, “Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” — 1 Corinthians 5:17

That’s not all. Before you accepted Christ, sin had control of your life and that made it hard to do the right thing and obey God.

But now, you are free!

You are free from sin and you are free to be everything that God has created you to be.

The Bible makes this clear, “So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.” — John 8:36

Life is so much better when you don’t have to worry about your past mistakes. You can be free from fear, worry, and embarrassment. You can be free to do your best for God. How does this make you feel?


“Dear God, thank You for making me a new person through Christ. Thank You for giving me freedom from sin. Help me be everything that You have created me to be. Amen.”