Set Up: Two lines of cones setup in a zig-zap pattern moving up the court. There should be several yards in between each cone. Players will line up on opposite sides of cones. Lines should be as even as possible.
Movement: Players take turns dribbling a zig-zag pattern while changing directions using a behind the back wrap and snatch motion. Each player should use their outside hand as they dribble toward a cone. They will then wrap the ball behind their back and snatch it with the other hand as they move toward the new cone. This drill should be run at ¾ speed.
Key Focus Point: Players have good control of the dribble using each hand. As players come to a cone, they should wrap and snatch the ball seamlessly to the other hand. Most of the work is done by the arm moving around the back and bouncing it up to the snatch hand. Players won’t be moving forward during the behind the back action.