“For I know the plans I have for you,” – this is the LORD’S declaration – “plans for your well – being, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” – Jeremiah 29:11
Let’s break into pairs and take a few minutes to get to know each other better. Tell each other your
names and then ask each other the following questions:
- What is your favorite part about being on a team?
- What’s one goal you have for this season?
Let’s share with the group what we’ve learned about each other. Have each player share one thing.
My job as your coach is to help you learn and grow through athletic competition. One way I do that is byteaching you a game plan that will give you the best chance to be successful. I do this because I love youand value you as a person and as a very important part of this team.
But God, the One who created us all, loves you even more! And He wants you on His team! He has givenyou a Game Plan for your life. It’s an amazing plan that explains His purpose for your life and gives youeverything you need to change your world!
Isn’t it amazing that the Creator of the universe cares for you like that?
During our Huddle Timethis season, we are going to talk about God’s Game Plan for your life. Here’swhat God wants us to know:
- You were madeonpurposefora purpose.
- You can trust God and His Word.
- God loves you and has sent Jesusfor you.
- Love God and love others
(Repeat a point and have players repeat after you…then move to the next point.)
- I was made on purpose for a purpose!
- I can trust God and His Word!
- God loves me and has sent Jesus!
- Love God and love others!
Let’s close in prayer together:
“Dear God, thank You for giving us this time together. Help us learn more about You as we meet everyweek. Amen